Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I really enjoyed this class and have enjoyed the opportunity to use my skills as a writer...I am not sure if I will ever visit this blogspot ever again but it has been fun.  Working on this paper was kind of like going back to my roots sort of...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

coming to the end...

Well, I will be honest and say that I do not think that my writing has changed in style or format.  I have a pretty solid writing background and my style and voice is pretty much established.  But, I always enjoy the opportunity to use my writing skills whatever the genre may be.  This class has definitely been helpful in helping me to e more free with my use of citations...You don't find that often in creative writing...and even when i do personal reearch I am not required to authenticate the information...since i am only going to use it for a creative endeavor

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

to keep or not to keep...that is the question...

I really do not know if I will continue to post this blog after the course is over.  I already visit facebook pretty regularly and really do not know if I will ever even think to come back here to post.  Even though  I writer by nature I still don't have this connection to writing a journal on the internet.  It is really not my style, but who knows maybe I will change my mind an turn it into something...Originally I was going to use it for film reviews so maybe i will do that.